Artificial Intelligence in Architecture and Built Environment Development 2024: A Critical Review and Outlook, 9th part: Computer Consciousness
Consciousness … is not merely the process of learning. It is not, strangely enough, required for many rather complex processes. Conscious focus is required to learn to put together puzzles or play the piano. However, after a skill is mastered, it recedes below the horizon into the fuzzy world of the unconscious. As Jaynes [284] saw it, a great deal of what is happening to you right now does not seem to be part of your consciousness until your attention is drawn to it. What evokes consciousness is an impulse from - or induced by contact of "a self" with the external world. Perhaps surprisingly, a physical substance proves herewith to be a prerequisite of consciousness; and not only any physical substance, but also a substance that shows a degree of independence of the world of its existence [285], but, on the other hand, it can perceive the world around, and can and wants to react to it. Posessing an individual, specific history of being in the world and experience, any human performs individual and specific relation to the world of his existence - a specific, individual consciousness. And a computer? The world is not only World Wide Web and digital data; by far.